What is Ontario Transfusion Transmitted Injuries cropped-logo1black-ttiss1.pngSurveillance System (TTISS-ON)?

Ontario transfuses approximately 50% of blood components (red blood cells, platelets, plasma, cryosupernatant and cryoprecipate) in Canada, excluding Quebec. The Ontario Transfusion Transmitted Injuries Surveillance System (TTISS-ON), contracted by the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care (MOH-LTC) and the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) in 2006, is committed to the development of a comprehensive program for reporting Adverse Transfusion Events (ATEs) in Ontario, as an important part of a national vigilance system implemented in 2001 by the Infectious Disease Prevention & Control Branch of the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC).

 What does TTISS-ON do?

TTISS-ON collects moderate to severe transfusion reactions that occur as a result of the transfusion of blood products (blood components and  plasma derivatives) in Ontario Hospitals.

The TTISS-ON coordinating office, located at McMaster University, Hamilton, collects transfusion reactions from hospitals through an on line database (REDCap) and submits the aggregate data biannually to the National TTISS. TTISS-ON is committed to promotion of the program, creating educational tools and increasing blood transfusion safety. During 2008-2012 there were 49 out of 159 hospitals in Ontario participating in TTISS-ON. Although only a third of hospitals were participating, these included the larger centres in Southern Ontario and accounted for 66% of the transfusion activity in Ontario. In 2015 we had over 90 hospitals participating, accounting for over 80% transfusion activity in Ontario.In 2018, all Ontario hospitals report to TTISS.

Annual TTISS-ON Meeting?

As a member we invite you to join us for a day of learning and networking. Our annual TTISS-ON Meeting takes place every November in Toronto.  Look out for registration details for our next meeting!

TTISS Conference Picture